pbson is a BSON scala library.

The goal of this library is to create at compile-time the boilerplate necessary to encode and decode of a certain type. The pbson provides generic codec derivation using Shapeless. This library provides another way encode and decode case classes for mongo scala driver. Decoder instead of throw Exception return Either[BsonError, T]

pbson can derive bson encoder and decoder:

BsonEncoder[T] : T => BsonValue
BsonDecoder[T] : BsonValue => Either[BsonError, T]

Quick Start

If you're using SBT, add the following line to your build file:

libraryDependencies += "ru.twistedlogic" %% "pbson" % "0.0.20"
Link to code
import pbson._
import pbson.semiauto._

case class MyId(value: String) extends AnyVal

case class TestCase(a: Int, b: Option[String], id: MyId)

implicit val testCaseEncoder: BsonEncoder[TestCase] = deriveEncoder
implicit val testCaseDecoder: BsonDecoder[TestCase] = deriveDecoder

val test = TestCase(3, Some("45"), MyId("000"))

val bson = test.toBson
// { "a" : 3, "b" : "45", "id" : "000" }
// Right(TestCase(3,Some(45),MyId(000)))

AnyVal wrappers

AnyVal wrappers encode and decode as value.

Link to code

case class MyId(value: String) extends AnyVal

implicit val testCaseEncoder: BsonEncoder[MyId] = deriveEncoder
implicit val testCaseDecoder: BsonDecoder[MyId] = deriveDecoder

val test = MyId("000")

val bson = test.toBson
// BsonString{value='000'}
// Right(MyId(000))

ADT (Algebraic Data Types)


Link to code

sealed trait ADT

object ADT {
  case class A(s: String) extends ADT
  case class B(a: Int) extends ADT

import ADT._

implicit val adtEncoder: BsonEncoder[ADT] = deriveEncoder
implicit val adtDecoder: BsonDecoder[ADT] = deriveDecoder

val test : ADT = B(4)

val bson = test.toBson
// { "a" : 4, "type" : "B" }
// Right(B(4))

manual enumeration

Link to code

sealed trait ADT

object ADT {
  final case object A extends ADT
  final case object B extends ADT

import ADT._

implicit val adtEnumEncoder: BsonEncoder[ADT] = asStringEncoder {
  case A => "A"
  case B => "B"

implicit val adtEnumDecoder: BsonDecoder[ADT] = asStringDecoder {
  case "A" => A
  case "B" => B

val test : ADT = B

val bson = test.toBson
// BsonString{value='B'}
// Right(B)


as object

Link to code

case class TestCase(a: Map[String, String])

implicit val testCaseEncoder: BsonEncoder[TestCase] = deriveEncoder
implicit val testCaseDecoder: BsonDecoder[TestCase] = deriveDecoder

val test : TestCase = TestCase(Map("key1" -> "value1", "key2" -> "value2"))

val bson = test.toBson
// { "a" : { "key1" : "value1", "key2" : "value2" } }
// Right(TestCase(Map(key1 -> value1, key2 -> value2)))

map as array

Link to code

case class TestCase(a: Map[String, String])

implicit val testCaseEncoder: BsonEncoder[TestCase] = deriveEncoder
implicit val testCaseDecoder: BsonDecoder[TestCase] = deriveDecoder

implicit val mapEncoder: ReprBsonMaybeEncoder[Map[String, String]] = map2ArrayEncoder
implicit val mapDecoder: BsonDecoder[Map[String, String]] = array2MapDecoder

val test : TestCase = TestCase(Map("key1" -> "value1", "key2" -> "value2"))

val bson = test.toBson
// { "a" : [{ "_v" : "value1", "_k" : "key1" }, { "_v" : "value2", "_k" : "key2" }] }
// Right(TestCase(Map(key1 -> value1, key2 -> value2)))

map (key, value case classes) as array

Link to code

case class Key(k: String)
case class Value(v: String)
case class TestCase(a: Map[Key, Value])

implicit val mapEncoder: ReprBsonMaybeEncoder[Map[Key, Value]] = map2ArrayEncoder
implicit val mapDecoder: BsonDecoder[Map[Key, Value]] = array2MapDecoder

implicit val testCaseEncoder: BsonEncoder[TestCase] = deriveEncoder
implicit val testCaseDecoder: BsonDecoder[TestCase] = deriveDecoder

val test : TestCase = TestCase(Map(Key("45") -> Value("34"), Key("23") -> Value("45")))

val bson = test.toBson
// { "a" : [{ "v" : "34", "k" : "45" }, { "v" : "45", "k" : "23" }] }
// Right(TestCase(Map(Key(45) -> Value(34), Key(23) -> Value(45))))


Link to code

object WeekDay extends Enumeration {
type WeekDay = Value
  val Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun = Value

implicit val weekDayEncoder: BsonEncoder[WeekDay.Value] = enumEncoder(WeekDay)
implicit val weekDayDecoder: BsonDecoder[WeekDay.Value] = enumDecoder(WeekDay)

val test : WeekDay.Value = WeekDay.Thu

val bson = test.toBson
// BsonString{value='Thu'}
// Right(Thu)


Link to code

val doc = BsonDocument(
  "a" -> BsonDocument(
    "a" -> BsonInt64(4l),
    "b" -> BsonArray(BsonString("45"), BsonString("23"))
  "b" -> BsonArray(BsonString("45"), BsonString("23"))

val av = doc.cursor().down("a").get[Long]("a")
// Right(4)